
IP Gauge 

Have you ever experienced

your regulators got free flowed?

It is likely to happen when the intermediate pressure on 1st stage exceeds the initial set point.

The releasing amount of air may increase depending on the diving environment.

Checking the 1st stage of your regulator is crucial for your own safety.

Even if it is rental equipment, safety check is our responsibility as a diver.


Do we need IP Gauge?

Intermediate Pressure Gauge Can :


It tells you immediately if the problem is with a first stage or second stage of your regulator. 

Then can help you make a go or no go decision for if it's safe to dive.


Your SPG or Computer pressure only measures the 1st stage and tank pressure and cannot tell you anything about the your system beyond the 1st stage. If you have even a small leak in your system, it might be the only way to tell.

3.rack the health of your regulator and know if it needs servicing before the recommended service cycle.


is different from existing ones?

Some of gauges were not reliable.

Some of gauges were not reliable as the measured values were different from one another and even a slight impact affected the figure.

The gauges are difficult to read.

The gauges with small diameter are difficult to read and there is no safety zone.


can I use it?

1. Turn on gauge and check battery.

2. Connect the BC hose. 

    (Please make sure the hose dry)

3. Slowly open the cylinder valve 

     while pressing the purge button.

4. Check the IP after 10 purge presses.

5. If IP is over 125-150 PSI (8.5-1.0 BAR),

    overhaul is recommended.

6. Disconnect the gauge

Preventive Maintenance Solution
